Why Email Warming Matters: A Deep Dive

Why Email Warming Matters: A Deep Dive

In this Blog

    We do a brief overview of Email Warming and look at how it helps you and your business be successful.

Imagine being tasked to map out a new email marketing campaign. You’ve planned everything well from having strong subject lines, compelling CTAs, to the list of quality leads, and you are excited to respond to queries. However, this plan doesn’t make sense if emails are not delivered to the recipients’ inboxes, but instead land in the dreaded spam folder.

This is where email warming comes into play—a crucial strategy that ensures your emails consistently find their way to the inbox.

In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the importance of email warming, reasons why some emails get flagged as spam, and a solution to this obstacle in email marketing. 

What Is Email Warming?

Email warming, or email warm-up, is the process of sending emails from a new email account at a gradually increasing rate. This process aims to build a positive reputation with email service providers (ESPs) and avoid flagging emails as ‘spams,’ making them trustworthy.

Back then, simply limiting the volume of emails sent daily allowed brand new email accounts to build reputation gradually and avoid suspicion. Nowadays, ESPs like Gmail and Outlook have added criteria when assessing email reputation, specifically recipients that find value in emails through opens, replies, markings as important, being ignored, deleted, or marked as spam rather than solely focusing on sending volumes.

What Is Email Deliverability?

Email deliverability is the ability of an email message to arrive in the recipient’s primary email inbox. Factors that affect email deliverability include sender reputation, no custom email authentication, no unsubscribe link or button, adding too many URLs or attachments, and the lack of engagement.

Email marketers use email deliverability to figure out whether or not the email marketing campaign is steering towards success. Failure to reach the recipients’ primary inbox could mean multiple adjustments on the existing and upcoming marketing campaigns, which is why marketers really take time in this process.

The Importance of Email Warming

Regardless of the business’ size, email warming should be part of every email marketing strategy as even the best campaigns can still have low open and reply rates. There are several reasons why you should give importance to email warming on every marketing campaign. There are:

Builds and Repairs Sender Reputation

ESPs like Gmail and Outlook will check a sender’s reputation before allowing emails to proceed to the recipient. All actions that the sender and its recipients have taken are being evaluated for the sender's reputation. By sending and receiving emails in a non-suspicious manner, email warming helps you build that reputation, regardless if you’re starting from zero or trying to repair a damaged reputation.

Increases Email Deliverability

A high email deliverability rate means customers will get to know more about your brand, product, services, and campaigns. Email warmup is a great strategy to ensure a better reach of your target audience.

Higher Response Rate

If your emails land straight on the recipients’ primary inbox, they are most likely to open, read, and respond to it. This also means that the recipient finds the email’s content as relevant and valuable.

Keeping You Ahead of The Competition

While all email marketers know the importance of email warming, they differ in implementing the process. Take it as an opportunity to be ahead of the competition by studying how other marketers perform their email warming and improve it accordingly. 

The ToastMail Solution

How does ToastMail fit into the email warming equation? We'll explain how our email warming tool works and why it's a game-changer for email marketers.

We designed our email warming tool to optimize the process, ensuring your emails reach their destination consistently. It operates by gradually increasing email sending volumes and maintaining positive engagement with email service providers (ESPs).

ToastMail ensures that your emails are warmed up before they are sent out, giving them trustworthy impressions so they land on the recipient's inbox.

Email is the lifeblood of any business, regardless of size. It is necessary to maintain a healthy reputation for your email as this translates to the success of your marketing campaigns.

What are your thoughts about this discussion on email warming? Let us know!